• Lessons from Mother Nature

    Time spent outdoors in nature, whether swimming in the sea or walking through the woods, is truly a sacred gift that keeps on giving. There’s always a new lesson to be learned, or new artistry that the eye has yet to discover. Each moment strengthens our bond with the natural world, reminding us that we are…

  • Connection is truly a rabbit hole…

    I cannot stress the importance of connection — to oneself, to one another, to this Earth and even to our spirituality or our Creator. Living in community was once responsible for keeping our ancestors alive, and if you really think about it, the result of a miraculous connection is what perpetuates life itself. It’s the…

  • Have you moved your body today?

    Movement is what we were made for. It’s how we navigate our world, mobilizing us and allowing us to utilize our unique gifts to the fullest. It’s so easy for the mind to jump to “exercise” as acceptable movement, but all movement is good movement for both our physical and mental states. I absolutely love the simplicity…