Movement is what we were made for. It’s how we navigate our world, mobilizing us and allowing us to utilize our unique gifts to the fullest. It’s so easy for the mind to jump to “exercise” as acceptable movement, but all movement is good movement for both our physical and mental states.
I absolutely love the simplicity of beginning each day with a walk. Sometimes it a walk with a girlfriend, other days its walking my dogs, and the days that I walk alone are the days where I go the farthest and clear my mind the most. I’ve found that there’s simply no excuse for not making time and space to move your body. If 2020 taught me anything (and it actually taught me quite a bit) its that getting a full body workout from the comfort of your home is very possible. Who needs all the bells and whistles of weight machines when we have our own body weight working for us? Who needs an expensive gym membership when simple movements are quite literally free.
I choose to squat, relevé (thats a fancy ballet word for calf raises), and plank right here at home. And with ankle weights, small dumbbells, rubber bands, and a jump rope, I’m guaranteed to get in a great workout every single day — 0 excuses. I think I will use some of this space to share simple circuit workouts with you (although there is already so much great information already available online)!
Just remember that someday our body will no longer be able to do all that it is capable of doing today, so don’t take the sacred gift of movement for granted! 🙂